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Zeitschriften, Bücher, DVD Ashford Book of Needle Felting / Barbara Allen

Ashford Book of Needle Felting / Barbara Allen

Hersteller Ashford
Produktcode ABNF
Verfügbarkeit verfügbar
Stück auf Lager 1
Preis 20,40 €
18,55 € ausschliesslich MwSt.

Explore the unlimited potential of needle felting with Barbara Allen. Create your own adorable figures, beautiful flowers and scenes, striking jewellery and embellishments all in flat or sculpted felt. With just a little wool, a felting needle and this book you can create unique and wonderful felted works of art. If you haven’t tried needle felting, here is the book to inspire you. Barbara, a popular teacher and author, explains and illustrates all the techniques, materials and equipment needed. For each project there are step-by-step instructions and full colour photographs of each process. There are projects for beginners and skilled felters and each project builds on the knowledge gained. By the book’s end you will be experienced and confident to create your own masterpiece or try one of Barbara’s beautiful Gallery pieces.
The book provides all the templates for the projects. 


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