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Czasopisma, książki, DVD The Weaver's Inkle Pattern Directory / Anne Dixon

The Weaver's Inkle Pattern Directory / Anne Dixon

Ostatni kawałek
Kod produktu BK1023
Dostępność dostępny
Sztuk w magazynie 1
Cena 180,9 zł
172,3 zł bez VAT
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Opis towaru

From expert weaver Anne Dixon is The Weaver's Inkle Pattern Directory--the ultimate resource for inkle weavers. Inkle weaving is a simple technique that offers ample opportunity for experimentation by beginners and experienced weavers. This book provides 400 patterns for loom enthusiasts and is the most comprehensive tool available to weavers.

You'll discover:

   • An overview of inkle weaving's history and traditions.
   • Instructions for loom set-up and simple techniques.
   • An astonishing 400 woven patterns--some making their first debut.
   • Illustrated samples and charts.
   • Drafts provided throughout the entire guide.

An incomparable guide, Anne Dixon offers all of the tips, tricks, and techniques to these traditional and modern patterns and introduces a bounty of new, innovative designs as well. Inkles can be used for a variety of projects ranging from belts and braces to trims and neckpieces. They can be stitched together to make bags, mobile-phone purses, cushion-covers, table-mats, and much more.

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