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Czasopisma, książki, DVD Overshot Simply: Understanding the Weave Structure 38 Projects to Practice Your Skills

Overshot Simply: Understanding the Weave Structure 38 Projects to Practice Your Skills

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Kod produktu BK1078
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Sztuk w magazynie 1
Cena 194,5 zł
176,8 zł bez VAT
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Opis towaru

Overshot is perhaps the most iconic weaving technique--think antique coverlets and fancy table runners--yet many weavers are intimidated by its complex-looking structure. But it doesn't have to be difficult! In this book, Susan Kesler-Simpson makes overshot approachable by breaking it down piece by piece so that the weaver understands how it works, and then she puts it all back together so that weavers will have the confidence to make their own overshot patterns or to try any of the 38 overshot projects she has designed for the book.

Weavers will learn:

  • to understand overshot as a derivative of twill
  • to understand the tie-up, placement of tabby in the tie-up, threading, and treadling
  • how to choose threads for overshot
  • how to use borders in your designs
  • how to set up the loom for overshot
  • how to work an overshot gamp

Projects include:

  • Blankets
  • Shawls
  • Scarves
  • Christmas ornaments
  • Table runners
  • Placemats
  • Napkins
  • Others
Narazie żadne pozycje
Originální scoubidou poprzedni produkt Overshot Simply: Understanding the Weave Structure 38 Projects to Practice Your Skills  dalszy produkt Parchment Craft Magazine 2016-02

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