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Tkanie Baby Wolf 4 shaft now 4 later, 66cm

Baby Wolf 4 shaft now 4 later, 66cm

Producent Schacht
Kod produktu FL3021
Dostępność na zamówienie
Cena 15.170,0 zł
12.333,3 zł bez VAT
Ilość sztuk
Video do produktu
Opis towaru

Baby Wolf loom is the most uncompromising small loom available today. It has all the advantages of portability while maintaining the best big loom features. If compactness and portability are what you are looking for, you’ll be interested in this thoughtfully engineered loom.

The weaving width of the Baby Wolf is 26″. You have your choice of 4 or 8 shafts, or you can choose our 4 Now-4 Later* model which allows you to expand from 4 shafts to 8 shafts at any time. The X-frame design is exceptionally stable and can be folded to a depth of 18″.

The adjustable beater allows the position of the shuttle race to be raised or lowered if necessary. The Baby Wolf employs a friction brake on the warp beam that lets you advance the warp smoothly.

*The 4 Now-4 Later model is an 8-shaft loom shipped with 4 shafts installed and the space to add an additional 4 shafts. You can purchase a kit to add 4 shafts at a later time. These looms are shipped with all the heddles, tie-ups, and other items normally included with an 8-shaft loom.

Height Extender
Height extender raises the loom 2 inches, giving our Wolf looms the same weaving height as our Standard Floor looms.

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