

DECOUPAGE Varnishes and glues for decoupage (6 )

Varnishes and glues for decoupage

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Pentart / decoupage varnish and glue textile / 20ml

Pentart / decoupage varnish and glue textile / 20ml

Manuf.: Pentart

Expedition: In stock

Price: 0,92 €

decoupage varnish and glue for textile, after ironing becomes washable, protect from frost, 20ml
Decoupage varnish & glue / matte / 50ml

Decoupage varnish & glue / matte / 50ml

Manuf.: Pentart

Expedition: In stock

Price: 1,30 €

water based glue and varnish in one for decoupage technique. after drying the surface will be waterproof. Protect from frost! 50ml
Pentart / decoupage varnish & glue / 20ml

Pentart / decoupage varnish & glue / 20ml

Manuf.: Pentart

Expedition: In stock

Price: 0,73 €

water based glue and varnish in one for decoupage technique. after drying the surface will be waterproof. Protect from frost! 20ml
Pentart / crackle medium onecomponent / 100ml

Pentart / crackle medium onecomponent / 100ml

Manuf.: Pentart

Expedition: In stock

Price: 2,17 €

water based medium for making crackled acrylic paint layer. Apply it between two, different coloured acrylic paints. The crackle effect will appear while the second layer of paint dries. ...
Pentart / decoupage varnish & glue / 50ml

Pentart / decoupage varnish & glue / 50ml

Manuf.: Pentart

Expedition: In stock

Price: 1,30 €

water based glue and varnish in one for decoupage technique. after drying the surface will be waterproof. Protect from frost! 50ml
Last ItemAction
101 - Glue Snipping

101 - Glue Snipping


Expedition: In stock

Price: 6,07 €


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