

SCRAPBOOKING Embossing (6 )


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Embossing Powder 7g / silver

Embossing Powder 7g / silver

Manuf.: Stamperia

Expedition: In stock

Price: 2,35 €

High quality powder, blends well, does not drip, creates well-defined edges. The large lid allows to easily put the excess powder in the box. To obtain elegant relief effects, using the Transparent ink...
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Embossing Powder 7g / Copper

Embossing Powder 7g / Copper

Manuf.: Stamperia

Expedition: In stock

Price: 2,19 €

High quality powder, blends well, does not drip, creates well-defined edges. The large lid allows to easily put the excess powder in the box. To obtain elegant relief effects, using the Transparent ink...
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Cuckoo Clock Cardinal / Lindy's Stamp Gang Embossing Powder

Cuckoo Clock Cardinal / Lindy's Stamp Gang Embossing Powder


Expedition: In stock

Price: 3,51 €

Drop dead gorgeous, two-toned colors will blow your socks off! This high quality, fine embossing powder is unique in its vibrant color and superb shimmer!
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Embossing Powder Darice / silver

Embossing Powder Darice / silver

Manuf.: Darice

Expedition: In stock

Price: 3,78 €

Darice Embossing Powder is perfect for handmade cards, paper crafts and more.  Each jar contains 1oz  
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Flower Burst / D-lites

Flower Burst / D-lites

Manuf.: Spellbinders

Expedition: In stock

Price: 8,20 €

Vyrezávacia a embosovacia šablóna vyrezáva a embosuje v jednom spôsob použitia šablón D-Lites si môžete pozrieť v tomto videu:
Embossing Powder Papermania / silver

Embossing Powder Papermania / silver

Manuf.: Papermania

Expedition: In stock

Price: 3,78 €

Embosovací prášok Papermania prášok na embossing balenie 28g prášok sa nasype na motív namaľovaný embosingovou fixou alebo natlačený razítkom s pomaloschnúcim atramentom (napr.pigmentové atramenty). Motív...

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