

SCRAPBOOKING Papers & Albums Albums & Notepads (6 )

Albums & Notepads

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Album 30x30 cm / 30 sheets

Album 30x30 cm / 30 sheets


Expedition: In stock

Price: 8,61 €

spiral wire 30x30cm, 30 sheets / 190g/m2
Album A6 with passepartout,landscape format / 30 sheet

Album A6 with passepartout,landscape format / 30 sheet


Expedition: In stock

Price: 2,48 €

Album with passepartout,landscape format, rectangular, DIN A6, 30 sheets, 190g/m2
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Aztec Black & White Traveler's Notebook

Aztec Black & White Traveler's Notebook

Manuf.: Simple Stories

Expedition: In stock

Price: 22,65 €

  Aztec black & white high quality simulated leather Traveler's Notebook with 4 interior pockets, 4 elastic bands, and elastic band closure. Fits both standard and wide inserts. Includes one...
Notebook /The basis for recipe / A5 / N.2

Notebook /The basis for recipe / A5 / N.2

Manuf.: YouCan create

Expedition: In stock

Price: 3,73 €

size A5, 60 sheets, 80 g/m2
Notebook A6 / 60 sheets

Notebook A6 / 60 sheets


Expedition: In stock

Price: 1,95 €

size 15,5x11cm, 60 sheets / 70 g/m2
Notebook, with punched passepartout / 3 squares / 21,5x15cm

Notebook, with punched passepartout / 3 squares / 21,5x15cm


Expedition: In stock

Price: 2,18 €

size A5 (21,5 x 15 cm), 60 sheets, 70 g/m2

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